「おそれることはない」 着任のご挨拶
ヨハネ 加藤 智神父
十 ご復活の主はみなさんとともに
ご復活祭をもって上福岡教会に着任しました加藤 智神父です。実は、2013年から17年まで、前任のグエン・ゴン・ホアン(飛鳥祐人)神父さまが教区の東日本大震災後の福島の復興支援施設の責任者であられた期間、名目上ではありましたが私が川越教会と当教会を兼務させていただいており、その間2013年10月には、皆さんとご一緒に上福岡教会創立50周年をお祝いさせていただきました。不思議な神のお導きで、この度は上福岡教会が私の本務となり、当教会の司祭館に在住いたします。よろしくお願いいたします。
“Do not be afraid!”
Letter from Father John S. Satoru Kato
Dear the English-speaking congregations of the Parish in Kamifukuoka
十The Risen Lord be with you.
I have taken in charge of the Parish in Kamifukoka since the day after Easter. Some of you may remember, however, that I was in charge of this Parish, even nominally though, alongside with the Parish in Kawagoe, between 2013 and 2017 while Fr Yuto Aska, former Parish Priest of this parish, was in charge of the Diocesan supporting centre in Fukushima after the disaster hit in the areas in Tohoku and Kitakanto. In the meantime, I celebrated with you for the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of this Parish in 2013. This time I have been officially made a priest-in-charge of this parish and I live in the presbytery here.
I really wish to celebrate the mass with you. Unfortunately, however, the public mass with be suspended due to the prevention of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Infections until 30th May; therefore, I write this letter to you instead.
The Alfa and the Omega of the Catholic faith is to fear God as it is written in the proverbs, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (1:7). The situation now, I think, leads us very clearly to the truth of these words. These words also remind me of the famous sermon delivered by the Rev Karl Barth, a swiss pastor, during the second world war, whose sermon was named “Do not be afraid!” later. In the final sentence of his sermon, it read,
“When we are afraid of God and of Him only, we will surely be freed from all the fears except the fear of God. In the contrary, however, if we were not be afraid of God, we would be caught by the fears of everything not divine.”
Barth knew of the sentiments of the people who were afraid of the Natis. In fact, he himself would be caught by the Natis and deported shortly after this sermon. We are now caught by the fear of the new virus with the certain reasons. We should, however, avoid losing our lives in vain just with the fear of the virus, but we should cope with the virus calmly and properly. We know that we have little power to free us from the fear of the virus by ourselves. However, we have God in our side. We face the threat from the virus, however, we have to realize that we live with God. We are never alone but with God. It is indeed the time we come back to this Catholic faith, above all to God Himself, who be with us always, including the present time.
It is, I am sure, the fear of God that is the only way for any of us to free us from the fear of the virus and, therefore, to make us it possible to cope with the virus.
I know that you are saddened and are struggling with the life without attending at the mass and without receiving other sacraments for such a long time since February. Although you cannot join in the mass with me, your priest, I seriously remind you that the church will never cease to celebrate the mass even in the present situation. The priests, like me, say mass everyday even at his presbytery for you and for your families and friends. I can say that we, the priest, say mass with you in a spiritual sense as we know that without you or at least without your support in prayers we, the priests, I strongly feel, cannot say mass because the mass is for you.
For my case, mass is not open though, I say mass everyday at 10 am for you at my presbytery. I wish, therefore, to invite all of you to join me in the mass at your home or in working places. For this, you will be advised to read the Bible, perhaps with the indicated readings for each day and meditate on God’s words. Or, you may say the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary with the Doxology. If you work at 10 am, you may be invited to have just a moment of silence at that time. If you can join me in that way, I will be really honoured and be delighted.
On the very day of the Resurrection, as it was promised the Risen Lord appeared to His disciples who had been lost themselves with the fears for things not divine. The Risen Lord, then, told them with the words, that is: “Do not be afraid!” Because what we should be afraid of is God, and Him only and nothing else.
I bless you, my congregations in Kamifukuoka, and your families and friends and ask God to protect all of you from every evil, particularly from the evil virus. The time will surely come.
I am really pleased to be your priest in Kmaifukuoka.
Yours in Christ.
Fr John